Did you know that you can add IMAGES in Facebook Chat ?
Surprisingly, it's possible
Not ANY image you want,
The image must be the profile picture of a PERSON or a PAGE
Here's how to do it-
For a PERSON's PROFILE PICTUREThen press enter and the image will appear in a small box
- Copy the link of his/her profile
It will be something like https://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000560410656
- COPY the profile id NUMBER highlighted above ^
- Paste it in the CHATBOX and add [[ and ]]
So now it is like [[100000560410656]]
If the person has a USERNAME like facebook.com/johndoe
The you can just do the same with the username
like [[johndoe]] and press enter
Or https://www.facebook.com/eminem
Then add [[ and ]] to it
so now it is [[122411147791536]]
or [[eminem]]
And press enter
That's all there is to it !
Also, see how to
Colorful Alphabet Emoticons in FB CHAT
Send a BLANK CHAT message
Post COOL image-text in FB CHAT
www.nthacks.com © Nischal
like [[johndoe]] and press enter
- Copy the link of the page. eg-
Or https://www.facebook.com/eminem
Then add [[ and ]] to it
so now it is [[122411147791536]]
or [[eminem]]
And press enter
That's all there is to it !
Also, see how to
Colorful Alphabet Emoticons in FB CHAT
Send a BLANK CHAT message
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